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Lealands High School

Lealands High School

Aspire Believe Achieve

Lealands' Languages Week

This week at Lealands, it has been Languages Week. It  has been a week where students and staff have had the opportunity to celebrate different languages and cultures from around the world.  

There has been daily activities for students and staff to take part in, including; quizzes, spelling bees, treasure hunts, movies, sports competitions, food tasting and more...

On Thursday morning, there was  an Easter themed rewards party. The top languages performers from each year group were invited to attend. They were selected as recognition for their outstanding work, effort and engagement in their language lessons this half-term. Each student was presented with a certificate and joined in games which included decorating eggs and an egg and spoon race. There was also lots of nice treats for the students to enjoy while they were there. 

Each day at lunchtime this week, there has been a delicious specialised menu with food from different parts of the world.

Decorating eggs in a
French and Spanish theme

Egg and spoon race Word translation competition








 Word translation competition

Menus from around the world

Menus from around the world