Non-School Uniform Day On Friday 17th November For Children In Need
A reminder to students and parents that we are holding a non-school uniform day tomorrow, Friday 17th November, for Children In Need.
Students coming to school in non-school uniform will be asked to pay a minimum donation of £1. During this
day the school hopes to raise over £1000 for Children In Need.
In order to celebrate our amazingly diverse community the theme of this Non Uniform Day is ‘National Dress
and National Colours’ and students may, if they wish, take the opportunity to recognise their family
backgrounds and cultures by dressing in colours or clothes that reflect their family origins. There will be prizes
for the best dressed students.
Tutors have explained to students what clothing is appropriate for this day. Students are expected to dress in
a way that is appropriate to a purposeful, safe working environment. Normal lessons will, of course, take
place on this day. If students have PE on the day they will be expected to bring PE kit as usual.
The standard of uniform at Lealands is excellent and as a reward for the efforts students make in
this area, we are allowing students this one off day where they can express themselves a little differently in
aid of a good cause.