Literacy Week 4th - 8th March 2019
World Book Day (Thursday 7th March), is fast approaching and to promote the importance of reading and literacy, Lealands will be offering students different activities throughout the week for them to be involved with. The theme ‘diversity’ was chosen by our literacy leaders, feeling that we should recognise how lucky we are to attend such a diverse school. We agree that this year’s theme is important and are excited to celebrate it.
We are very excited to welcome our guest speaker this year, who is the author of the books I Have No Secrets and The Girl in the Window, Penny Joelson. During Literacy Week we will be running a competition for a chance for students to meet her! This will include either writing a short story on your battles against adversity, or to model yourself as a superhero battling against conflict around the world.
There will be a number of other reading inspired events for students to enjoy including a book swap, games and competitions, a pop up library in the atrium where students will not be able to “judge a book by its cover” and a day of dressing up as our favourite book characters on Friday 8th March. It is important that students do not see this as a non-uniform day where they come in simply wearing their normal clothes. If students do not wish to join us in dressing up as their favourite character from a book, they will be required to wear their usual full school uniform.
Additionally, students who visit the LRC during this week will be gifted a book voucher which they will be able to use as a £1 off book token, or to claim their free World Book Day book, at participating stores.
We thank you for your continued support with the programme.