Uniform & PE Kit
School uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of the school and sets an appropriate tone. It instils pride, supports positive behaviour and discipline and encourages identity with the school. Uniform can also be useful to protect children from social pressures to dress in a particular way. We expect all students to exhibit our value of excellence in their standard of uniform.
The Lealands School uniform ensures that all students feel a part of the school community and supports our value of excellence. Our uniform is cost effective with minimal standard items.
This uniform policy represents a reasonable requirement and pays regard to the: Sex Discrimination Act 1975, the Human Rights Act 1998,The Race Relations Amendment Act 2002 and the Equality Act 2010.
Lealands High School has some simple conduct expectations on personal presentation. All students are expected to follow these expectations consistently and without question when on the school site: All students are expected to wear full school uniform. The school uniform criteria are clearly explained on our website and in information given to parents.
- The school blazer with the school logo is to be worn at all times unless otherwise directed by the Headteacher during the Summer Term. Students may ask to take their blazer off if they are hot in lessons but they must leave lessons with their blazer on.
- A Lealands school tie of the correct colour for the year group should be worn at all times. The top button of the student’s shirt should be fastened.
- Students should wear black tailored school type trousers / plain black school type skirt - no more than 10cm above or below the knee in length (no slits).
- Students should wear a plain white school type shirt.
- Students may choose to wear a black Lealands jumper with the school logo. If a student chooses to wear a jumper, it should always be worn with the school blazer.
- Shoes should be black, plain, sensible leather type school shoes with no logos or designs. High heels, boots, trainers, canvas shoes or sandals are not permitted.
- Students should wear black, grey or white plain socks / sensible black tights may be worn with a skirt. Fishnet or patterned tights are not permitted.
- Headscarves may be worn as long as these conform to the requirements below:-
- The fabric should be lightweight and plain black.
- The headscarf should be folded under the chin, taken around to the back of the neck and the ends tucked in – this conforms to health and safety requirements.
- Headscarves should not be fastened with a pin.
- Headscarves should be worn so the collar and tie can be seen.
- Hair bands must be plain and only black in colour (no other hair accessories should be worn).
- We encourage wearing suitable coats during cold periods. Coats may be worn in the school building but must be taken off as soon as entering the classroom.
- Students should have a suitable school bag large enough to carry exercise books and equipment.
- Students’ shirts should be tucked in at all times.
N.B Jewellery
- Only one small stud of less than 5mm (gold, silver, black) may be worn.
Religious items
- A Sikh Kara may be worn by students of the Sikh religion only.
- Muslim students may wear a headscarf (see above).
- A black, white or navy turban may be worn by those of appropriate faith.
Non-acceptable items include:
- “Skinny” trousers/leggings, jeans, shalwar kameez, short/long skirts, jilbabs, knee-high socks, trainers, plimsolls, boots, high heeled or canvas shoes, hoodies or sweatshirts.
- Hats and hoods are not permitted in the school buildings, but may be worn outside.
- Hoodies / sweatshirts.
- Fishnet or patterned tights.
- Jewellery should not be worn, except one small black, gold or silver stud earring in each lower earlobe. This should not exceed 5mm. Students should not wear hoops or flesh rings. Students may wear a wrist watch or one wrist band either supporting a charity or religion.
- Coloured headscarves.
- Do-Rags/Durags.
- Extremes of fashion relating to any item of clothing, hairstyle or appearance will not be permitted. No fashion branded clothing or accessories are permitted.
- Make-up - Visible make-up is not allowed to be worn by students. This includes coloured nail varnish or long false nails. There are some students who wear subtle foundation make-up to cover blemishes or spots. Staff should use their judgement in these cases and where they are in doubt; seek advice from the relevant PSM/HOY.
- Hair should be ‘natural’ hair colours. No blues, purples, bright reds, greens or any colours that are not deemed as natural hair colours are permitted.
- Hair patterns, lines, tramlines or eyebrow lines are not permitted.
- Nail varnish/nail extensions are not permitted.
Senior staff will be the sole arbiters of any decisions made
In the event of a uniform policy breach, a student may be sent home to rectify the issue. If this is not possible, they may be supplied with appropriate uniform or required to work in an area away from other students. The senior management reserves the right to amend the uniform policy throughout the year.
For all of your uniform requirements visit our school uniform provider – Prestige. More information can be found on their website.
Where there is doubt about a particular item of uniform, a member of staff will seek advice from a Pastoral Support Manager, Head of Year or senior member of staff. This can sometimes occur in the case of shoes, haircuts, trousers or skirts. The final judgement in these cases will be made by the Deputy Headteacher and communicated to staff.
There are occasionally circumstances where a student will be allowed to wear an item of non-uniform for a short period of time (one day for emergencies and never more than 5 days). Lealands High School reserves the right to challenge any student perceived not to be following the uniform policy and parents will be contacted. Where this is the case the student will have a dated note signed by the Pastoral Support Manager, Head of Year or a senior member of staff. In all cases where uniform cannot be immediately corrected, parents will be contacted. Uniform will be constantly monitored. Any additions to unacceptable wear/fashion trends will be updated on the school website. Any deviation from the uniform policy due to exceptional circumstances must be supported with a parental note stating the reason and a date when the issue will be rectified. Parents should discuss this with their child’s Head of Year or Pastoral Support Manager before making any adaptations for exceptional circumstances. Sanctions will be issued per the behaviour policy where this is not the case. Any student refusing to follow the uniform policy will be isolated and work separately from other students until the issue is rectified with the support of parents.
Buying Your Uniform & PE Kit
All Lealands High School uniform items including PE kit can be purchased from either Prestige Design & Workwear Ltd or online at www.myuniformshop.co.uk.
Prestige Design & Workwear Ltd Tel: 01582 883222 Website: www.prestigedesignww.co.uk |
JS Sports and Uniforms 22 Neville Road, Luton, Beds, LU3 2JQ Tel: 01582 494401 Website: www.myuniformshop.co.uk |
When purchasing uniform from Prestige Workwear, it is necessary to book an online appointment. Customers will not be able to access their shops without having made a prebooked appointment. Please ensure you book early as slots become limited in late July and August. Please watch the video below, provided by Prestige Workwear giving instructions on how to book an online appointment.
*Replacement ties are available for students to purchase online from the Finance Office, or by using STEP reward points in the Epraise shop online.
Please click below for more uniform information and acceptable school shoes.